Sunday, November 11, 2012

It's been a while.

Hi all,

It's been a while, but I'd like to get back in it.  Since I've last posted:

  • Helper's gotten much better around other dogs.  It's been a lot of hard work, but it's paid off.  As my agility instructor said last May, "You have a real dog now!"  As in, I don't have a little monster-dog on a leash.  I'll always have to be proactive on her part and keep her out of situations she can't handle, but I can walk her in public, take her to trials, and play fetch at the dog park.
  • Helper's been doing so well that she ran in her first flyball tournament this October.  She did great!  She's bit nervous of all the other dogs and noise and she doesn't like the judges' whistles, but with each run she showed a bit more confidence.  If she has a job to do, she's going to do it!
  • Ioda's been great.  He's not allowed to jump anymore, so we've been taking nose-work classes, which he loves.  We've been practicing rally and rally-free at home too.  Additionally, he's been seeing a great PT vet, and we've been training his exercises as tricks.  
  • And finally, Helper tweaked her back Friday evening.  After a trip to the vet's and some good meds, she's on crate rest for the next three long weeks . . .  Ioda thinks this is awesome and has been tearing around the house and yard, which is much easier without Helper trying to herd him.
And some upcoming posts:
  • What to do with a wiggly little dog on crate rest.
  • The importance of teaching self-control to reactive dogs.
  • Tricks for old dogs, tricks old dogs can do, and tricks that are good for conditioning.

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