Friday night Tim and I decided to take Ioda to the Magnuson dog park. Ioda had a good time, ran around, swam a little, got really wet, and almost sort-of tried to play with another dog. He had an even better time when we got home. He was still very excited from the park, so we were playing with him and Helper in the back yard. We were playing one of Ioda's favorite games, chase (he chases us, so it's great exercise for everyone), when he also decided that he should chase Helper too. He blocked her, gave a huge play bow and bounded two steps in her direction, let out a 'woof!' and gave another play bow. To those of you who know Ioda, he doesn't often play with other dogs, so Tim and I were really excited. Helper however had no idea what was going on and ran off scared to hide behind Tim and I. Ioda just looked up at us like, 'I'm trying here!' and that was the end of that. It was a small start, but hopefully there's more to come.
Today Helper has been worked with a lot. I took her to the advanced agility class to just sit in the back and practice being calm. I think we were inside the building for almost 5 of the 45 minutes we were there. That being said, she's getting calmer at walking on leash around other dogs, and as we weren't participating in the class, I just took her outside every time she became stressed and barky or just over excited in general. Several hours later we played our first round of 'Crate games' making it through the first three stages in no time. She picked up on 'your in your out' quickly and really liked that game. The first two stages she was squirmy, but the treats (chopped up hot dog) were good enough for her to sit still in the back of the crate. I need to find something she likes as much as hot dog that is less gross/slimey.
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